Saturday 17 May 2014

#Space4Cycling #BigRide London

bonus post this week about today's space for cycling big ride in london. 

Actually, I will let the photos do the talking this time!


  1. Wow, a lot less hi-viz than in previous "protest" rides. Great to see rivers of "normal people on bikes" flowing through the streets of London. :-)

  2. Do you know what, lack of hi-viz and helmets was noticeable.

    Ranty Junior and I were in rubber knickers and lycra tops, however, (comfort for a fair ride in), but he was in blue, I in red and once on the closed section, I took my helmet off.

  3. I couldn't agree more. I was pleased to have come along in jeans and a T-shirt. It was particularly encouraging to see so many children there too: in child-carrying 'cargo' trikes, on small bikes of their own, even a few on little wooden balance bikes. This family were my favourites
